Saturday, March 28, 2009

A New Info

Something for you guys to know...
This year's 5M, had broke a record...
One of our favourite teacher really dissapointed and frustrated with their attitude...
That teacher even said he/she hate the class...
He/she cancelled a few class as he/she aren't prepared yet to face this year's 5M...
Imagine, no matter how notoriously naughty we are, no teacher hate us right?


lanz said...

owh??? who's the teacher???????????

plank ton said...

just got the news.. it was cikgu rainul..!!

Yadayada said...

lalala, plankton, wat made u come to dat conclusion?

Chik Yoong said...

Nani, are they really that bad?? Any thing that they had done but we didn't do?

Yadayada said...

they really kanasai leh...
imagine, more than half the class tidak hantar assignment...
not to mention skipping classes...
teacher give extra classes for free, only less than 10 ppl ka turn up, hahaha...
and they love to backstab each other too!!!

hoe said...

hi, i m MZ ,thank you for u joining for my blog

lanz said...

owh... >.<